First Baptist Church w Bloomfield

Stany ZjednoczoneFirst Baptist Church


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Washington Street, 07003, Bloomfield, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-743-2400
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Latitude: 40.7930357, Longitude: -74.1961243

komentarze 4

  • en

    Bucky Chedder


    What a great church great bunch of folks ,I just have to say,live by example so others know how to live,and give what you yourself would want ,if life has put you on a cross,

  • en

    E Su


  • Jimmie Van Sant

    Jimmie Van Sant


    Our church has continued to grow and change with our community. We have two thriving ministries to children and young people on Saturday night and Sunday night. We have a growing Spanish Bible Study on Sunday afternoons and two small group Bible Studies on Sunday evening. We host a vibrant Haitian Church plant upstairs from our sanctuary on Sunday mornings. Pastor Bob Becker and leadership did a magnificent job transitioning the church into a multi ethnic powerhouse. During my years we have equipped a whole new generation of multi ethnic leadership, sent a number of young people on three missions trips, sent four young people to Bible College, from which two young men are now pastoring full time. I do believe that we have never lost our way, but are right on point with the Lord's leading, as we are reaching our community with the redemptive message of the Risen Christ. While the past was a great blessing, we are now focused on the future in a rapidly changing community. Pray for God's blessing and wisdom as we proclaim the gospel every week!

  • en

    Charlene Antonelli


    Such a disappointment! I grew up in First Baptist during the 50s & 60s. It's motto was "A friendly church with a gospel message" & it truly was. Now 70 years old, I was back in NJ for a short visit & took my granddaughter to see where her grandparents were married and her great-grandparents were so very active for 30 years. We entered on a Sunday morning shortly before the worship service. Not one person greeted us or asked who we were! I took her downstairs to see the youth rooms her great grandfather designed after the fire in the early 60s. We looked at the Sunday School classrooms and noted there were no children's classes in session. Do they no longer teach children about the Bible on Sunday mornings? No history of the church was in evidence anywhere. I would love to have seen pictures of Rev, Dr. Russell Jones, Rev. David Ashworth & Rev. Dr. Donald Mackay. This church has sadly lost its way.

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