Firestone Complete Auto Care i Fort Worth

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8925, Tehama Ridge Parkway, 76177, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-727-8912
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Latitude: 32.9024714, Longitude: -97.3228275

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dylan Krohn


    This is the 3rd time I have been here and my vehicle isn't done anywhere close to when they say it would. Today, told 2 hours, dropped off at 9 am, told them I would pick it up around 12-12:30 (3+ hours allowed). Now 1:45 and still not done. I will not be back to this one as this is ridiculous.

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    C. Reeves


    I gave them 5 stars a year ago and since then the service has went downhill. I stopped in one day last week to get a oil change and was told it will take 2-3 hours. I was like, are you serious?!?! So I left and went home to schedule an appointment online to for this Monday, May 21st. The old change/filter change was fine but, again, the service was horrible. It was only one man at the front (dealing with another customer) and a line of four people including me waiting. Fast was time for me to pay and of course, they give you a "list" of things that's wrong on your vehicle hoping I guess that will you say, ok, go ahead and fix it. Well, the only thing that I knew I needed to have done was a brake fluid change. But, then the man proceeds to tell me that I have a bad battery which i KNEW was bull*&^* and I told him that. He again stated, "that they ran a diagnostic and I'm losing power from the battery"...per the technician. I told him I just bought this battery so that's not true. But, I will get it checked out. So today while making runs, I not only took my car back to the location I purchased the battery and TWO Auto Zones and had then check it....soooooooo, that's 3 places today that checked by battery, right? And guess what? Every location informed me that my battery is PERFECT and it's running just fine. I even showed them all the notes from my receipt from Firestone and they all stated the notes are not true at all. My battery is in perfect condition and it's not losing any power. Being a woman, I can only assume that they thought I was stupid or gullible and would only take their word on what they said. But, this woman is NOT stupid or gullible and I have a family full of men and was taught very well what to do if I ever encountered any situation driving or a repair. I really don't know at this point if I will ever go back to FIRESTONE again. I don't appreciate being deceived or lied to. I have heard from a few others that I know that has patronized this establishment and they say the same thing..they won't be going back. It's really unfortunate and to think that they charge 23.00 more than my dealership for an oil change is beyond me. Next time I will follow my first mind and take it to the dealership for service. I don't know if they have to upsale services or what, but I won't be going back.

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    David Bradley


    2 hours to get an oil change and a cabin filter swap (that is billed at 24 minutes of labor). I've never had it be this bad until today, then when I questioned them, all I got was excuses. The website claims if they are behind on the promised time I get a 25% off coupon for my next visit. 32 minutes beyond the promised time (which shouldn't have even taken that long) and did I get a coupon or apology for the ridiculous time it took? Nope. I like the location because it is convenient and clean, but this has certainly turned me off. Undecided on whether I'll ever go back. They also decided to start charging extra for my oil filter, something that before was included in my base fees.

  • Javier Montes

    Javier Montes


    The new manager is awesome. He addressed of all our concerns. Made us feel confident in their work. Which was done very well. Will be coming back for sure.

  • Bridgette J Lucious

    Bridgette J Lucious


    Hey Cliff.... The guy who so kindly and patiently takes care of me when I need to call by phone... I love the service at this location way better than 2 others I have gone to. I also appreciate the appointment only option they have chosen to go with because they are always ready for me when I arrive.

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