Firestone Complete Auto Care w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFirestone Complete Auto Care



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1750, Bedford Avenue, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-569-5208
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6639044, Longitude: -73.9576603

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Duncanson


    This place sucks. Always going through a mgmt change They try not to serve the warranty issued. A friend had his radiator compromised from here and they tried to defend themselves from wrong which didn’t work. I do know the present mgmt is horrible! Here for over 4 hours getting brakes. Smh.

  • en

    Mohamed Sabry


    Took appointment with them at 4:00 pm when I came at 3:30pm they told me that they close at 4:00pm what a crazy experience I’m so happy I didn’t change my 4 tires there

  • en

    Steven Novak


    This place is great. Great that it is right here, great that they have so much space and parking. Im sure they don't always get it right, but the service reps are all nice and they try and with me after 3 trips and a dozen interactions they have always been spot on, courteous and efficent. Prices are fine, normal. Turnaround very good . Pleasent lounge area with decent coffee. My work has been brakes, tires, oil, inspection

  • en

    Joyce Covington


    The guys are nice & straight forward, don't be trying to take advantage of you. Service wait time not bad.

  • Judson T

    Judson T


    Liars! I found a coupon on their site and they claimed they would honor it on the phone. I drove there and they claimed that they couldn't find the coupon on their site and that it was a fake. I showed Angel the site on my phone and he still wouldn't honor it nor did he try to even verify it. All I got from that experience was a waste of time and dirty hands touching my phone. Also, almost got stuck in their lot because it was full and only one entrance off the lot. Thanks Firestone from Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. PS. Location in Merrick Avenue, Long Island has seen this coupon and will honor it. I wonder why there is a discrepancy?!

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