Fire Museum of Memphis i Memphis

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Forenede StaterFire Museum of Memphis



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118, Adams Avenue, 38103, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 901-636-5665
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Latitude: 35.1483605, Longitude: -90.0507011

kommentar 5

  • Justabe1020



    Cool things to see and very friendly staff but for 10 dollars a person?! Are you kidding me?! This was by far the WORST MUSUEUM I HAVE EVER BEEN TO. It’s fantastic for kids though. It should be 5$ per adult

  • Luis Seixas

    Luis Seixas


    It's such a cool place! Fun, educative a very children oriented. Time and money well spent!

  • Jason Neel

    Jason Neel


    Would have to say that I have been to quite a few children’s museum living in the DC metro area for a few years but, this one is my top 5. The place is small but is jam packed full of things to do. Fun for all ages this place consist of two building with a converted fire house with 2 floors of activities. The staff was really knowledgeable and retired or off duty fire fighters where manning the activity. Awesome experience.

  • en

    Sheena Stranahan


    Loved everything about the museum. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Great group of people. Lots of things for children to interact with. Good for adults and kids alike.

  • Emily Nyabam

    Emily Nyabam


    We took our out of town family here and the kids loved it so much they cried when we have to leave at closing time. The staff was so friendly and accommodating. We will definitely be coming back and bringing others!!!

nærmeste Museum

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