Fire Cutz en New York

Estados UnidosFire Cutz



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476, 74th Street, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-921-7280
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.63051, Longitude: -74.0229

comentarios 5

  • Max Silver

    Max Silver


    Sergie does a great job I’ve been coming here for 6 months now he’s professional and takes his time with details.

  • Rob Liano

    Rob Liano


    Alex is the best!!! I have struggled with consistency at hair salons and now have found a home! Alex's training at Sassoon and Tony & Guy shines through as he truly is an artist who knows how how to cut hair to suit your face shape. Super affordable compared to salons with a more relaxing vibe, and no drowning in hair spray or hair color odors. I love it.

  • en

    Mohamed Ib


    Alex he is very professional and you will love your hair cut thank you alex

  • Zayed Saleh

    Zayed Saleh


    By far the best barbershop I have ever visited. This was my barbershop for almost 7 years, went through 2 owners both great barbers. Great hair cuts, attention to details, very polite. How I miss this shop since I moved, nowadays I am getting hair cuts in shops where the barber is tweeting, texting and calling his girlfriend while cutting your hair. Very frustrating. Still searching for a barber like fire cuts. Highly recommend, you'll not be disappointed.

  • Maciej Olko

    Maciej Olko


    The place is renovated, they have new barbers and it's even better than ever before! Best quality barbershop in the area.

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