Finishing Touch Salon i Hackensack

Forenede StaterFinishing Touch Salon



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298, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-488-1019
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8877322, Longitude: -74.0407955

kommentar 5

  • en

    Colleen Lee


    I have been with Connie for over 13 years. She has done an amazing job and listens to me when I need changes. She is patient with my double processed hair!

  • Advocacy Support Network

    Advocacy Support Network


    Love Yupin & all the staff! Exceptional people!

  • en

    Marcela Gonzales


    Oscar is the best !! He’s very experienced and gets your hair just the way you want it. I’ve been his client since 2014. I would nominate him for best hairstylist of the year!!! Fantastic service, amazing hair results, and new you every time!!

  • Vicky S

    Vicky S


    Connie is great! My entire family goes to her and we are never disappointed! She does my highlights and cuts my hair. The prices are very good, too. You can't go wrong!

  • Diana Mayosky

    Diana Mayosky


    Friendly, very professional staff and excellent hairdressers!!!... I been a costumer for many years and i always leave happy with the results. Thank you THANK YOU!!!!... Connie you are the best!!

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