Feuersenger Electric w Mahwah

Stany ZjednoczoneFeuersenger Electric



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9, King Street, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-327-3614
strona internetowej: www.feuersengerelectric.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.092534, Longitude: -74.145244

komentarze 5

  • Lauren Donovan

    Lauren Donovan


    We had a wonderful experience with Pat from Feuersenger Electric! He came over right away to fix a broken fuse and stuck around to help with some other random electric issues we had been having throughout the house. Very friendly, knowledgeable, kind, and professional. We will definitely return to Feuersenger Electric for future household projects! I highly recommend their work!

  • en

    R Stevens


    These electricians are the best. They are the only ones I trust in my home; they are extremely professional, knowledgeable, and respectful. They have installed complicated and delicate light fixtures throughout my home, including antiques, architectural lighting, switching control panels, and it is all beautifully done. I would highly recommend them to all home owners.

  • en

    Yakov Breuer


    I've been dealing with electric company's in the past, never had such a good expirance like him!!! He is on top of the job, great prices, quick turnaround time.

  • en

    Mine Serbes


    I have been working with them for years and they are excellent. They are always on time and the whole team is very kind. Now that I am in Real Estate business I will recommend them to my colleagues.

  • en

    Melissa Fluet


    I've used them multiple times and they're always great. Very friendly, professional, punctual, clean and reasonably priced. Couldn't ask for more.

najbliższy Elektryk

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