Ferrazz Hair i Hoboken

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFerrazz Hair



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1016, Washington Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-420-9603
internet side: www.ferrazzhair.com
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Latitude: 40.7492558, Longitude: -74.0276396

kommentar 5

  • Amy's Place Sumatra

    Amy's Place Sumatra


    I was lucky enough to meet Ferraz on a remote island in Indonesia where he was on a surf trip and fortunately traveling with his scissors. Sitting on the veranda, staring out at the ocean, I received one of the best hair cuts of my life! I can only imagine what a spectacular job he does when he has access to all the amenities at his salon. I can't believe he was on vacation and brought his scissors so he could still work ! Talk about a true passion and love for what you do! Thank you Ferraz. I hope I'm lucky enough to get another hair cut by you one day. Safe travels my friend !

  • The Guy

    The Guy


    Probably the best haircut I've gotten. Wasn't expecting it to be that price, that I didn't have any cash to tip, but I feel almost guilty to say that it was worth the money. But it is, really talented hairstylist and while I'll have to skip a haircut or two until I come back; cause of the cost, I'll make sure to have enough the properly tip the man.

  • David Patafio

    David Patafio


    Ferrazz and Elle have been cutting my hair for five + years. They're absolutely artists and pay careful attention to you and your cut. My wife also gets her hair cut / colored here. They are in a league of their own!

  • Angela Navarra

    Angela Navarra


    Ferrazz gave me the best hair cut i've ever had! I'm not even exaggerating! After every hair cut I always go home and restyle because no one gets what i'm looking for. I thought getting mediocre haircuts was just something that would forever happen to me no matter how expensive it was. Well that changed with Ferrazz! I have curly hair that I like wearing straight and curly and Ferraz gave me a cut that I can easily wear both ways (and not look like a mushroom!). I asked him to tell me what he would like to do to my hair (after I showed him a picture of a previous bob cut i sorta like) and I felt so confidant after hearing his game plan. Thanks so much and I will be back! :D

  • Sally Fifield

    Sally Fifield


    I should have done this long ago. I'm 65 years old with a very full head of white hair. Ferrazz nudged me into letting my hair grow longer. By some magic (using only his magic scissors) he brought out curls I never knew I had, shaped my hair so that it didn't stick out and turned it into a lovely carefree flattering haircut. After my first cut I have never let anyone else touch my hair. Perhaps most important, Ferrazz is totally consistent. The haircut is always wonderful, as if it were the first time he had cut it! Note: I drive all the way from Northern Vermont to have Ferrazz cut my hair. Worth every penny and the drive:)

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