Femmebot Clothing w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneFemmebot Clothing



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203, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-857-3720
strona internetowej: www.femmebot.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9791421, Longitude: -74.1148763

komentarze 5

  • Courtney Averett

    Courtney Averett


    I've always had a positive experience at Femmebot Clothing and I always look forward to going because of the owner Tina's awesome personality. She is so enthusiastic, confident, and always makes me laugh. I can tell she absolutely loves what she does and that customer satisfaction is her priority. Tina just rocks it and she is clearly meant to do this! Femmebot has a beautiful variety of quality clothing and accessories that are comfortable and affordable. My favorite are the bellbottoms; I love how there always new patterns and always long enough for people who have an average or tall height. Also, the interior design is on point! The aesthetic definitely makes the store more inviting and adds to the positive vibes. Let's not forget the awesome music selection playing in the background ❤︎

  • Liz Knight

    Liz Knight


    Best clothes ever! I love all my Femmebot purchases - highly recommend a visit!

  • S B

    S B


    What is Femmebot the store??? MAGIC! Pure magic. First of all it's not expensive. Second of all you will leave feeling your sexiest self, draped in fabric that feels right and soft and fitting you to a T. Last but not least your purchases from 3 years ago will fit together with brand new ones. Once I have started shopping there it became my whole wardrobe, I no longer shop anywhere else. Everything works together and compliments each other. But the compliments are the cherry on cake. People always ask me how come I look so good? I send them to Femmebot. Clothing is drapery but pieces from Femmebot are truly empowering and it has to do with the owner. What a GEM of a woman, her only goal in life is to make women feel SEXY! Don't we all need a girlfriend like that?

  • en

    Erica Martinucci


    If you're looking for something trendy, timeless, casual, or dressy, you're sure to find it here! I stopped in to "just look around" and left with a gorgeous spaghetti-strap dress 👗 (which looks even cuter IRL) that I plan to wear on my birthday next week. Not only does this store have a stylish collection, but its employees offer amicable and individualized attention - without being fussy or overbearing. Tina helped me select a bandeau to wear with the dress, and never pressured me or seemed forced. It was like shopping with a friend. 😊 Do yourself a favor, check out Femmebot. (It's right next to Bookends, that cool bookshop that has those awesome signings.)

  • en

    David Logan


    Great boutique in downtown Ridgewood. You can always find great deals on current clothing trends. The staff is personable and knowledgeable.

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