Federal Donuts i Philadelphia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFederal Donuts



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701, North 7th Street, 19123, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 267-928-3893
internet side: www.federaldonuts.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.9642129, Longitude: -75.1490719

kommentar 5

  • Anne Griffin

    Anne Griffin


    First visit for lunch with some colleagues Wonderful food and flavors. 3-piece chicken was more than enough, cooked to perfection too. Staff were super friendly and helpful.

  • Barry M

    Barry M


    Multiple locations. Ranked the fifth best fried chicken served together with donuts by Food Network! Very crunchy and crispy even taken home because they are twice fried Korean style.

  • en

    Justin Justice


    Limited menu choices. The chicken is tasty and fresh but very expensive for the amount received. Ditto for the donuts. Slow service. Ghetto staff and location. Bring an armed security guard.

  • Collin Hurler

    Collin Hurler


    I mean, there's a reason this place has such an amazing reputation already. The donuts are out of this world, and the fried chicken is also insanely good. Try it with the buttermilk ranch seasoning. Not to mention 10 bucks for 3 big juicy pieces of chicken and a donut? Can't beat it.

  • Shane Steward

    Shane Steward


    Love the chicken and the donuts! I've been back several times to the northern liberties and University City locations. I'm addicted to their chicken and I've tried all the flavors. I like the Coconut curry chicken seasoning the best but zaatar is a close second. I've sent a ton of my friends here and all have told me how great the food is.

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