Fattal's Syrian Bakery w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneFattal's Syrian Bakery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

975, Main Street, 07503, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-742-7125
strona internetowej: www.fattals.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8945493, Longitude: -74.1593858

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nedal Hassan


    Helpful staff. Awesome variety. One stop shop

  • en

    Leo Younis


    Very expansive, stay away, go to the other store down one block. alot cheaper

  • en

    Amir Hashemisohi


    Bad service , the meat department cheats on hallal meat , it isn't bought from hallal place ( regular meat delivery that sells to none hallal business such as super market ) just like there dates that are imported from Israel, also most can or dry pakeges from California that are marked kosher not hallal shame on them to sell their religion to money ,pay attention when shopping at fatal ( the meat is not weight as it should next time ask them to weight it in front of you ,don't trust them ,you have options in that area , and they are honest bussinus operators ,god bless you and your family .

  • Isaac Autos

    Isaac Autos


    Absolutely the best Middle eastern Food in New Jersey they prepare everything right in front of you, everything smelts and taste so fresh, i love this place, just thinking about Fattals makes me hungry. GOOD JOB FATTALS I LOVE YOU

  • en

    Moemen Omara


    I love this place. I go there regularly to get my middle eastern groceries and they always have what I'm looking for. Their meat section is exceptional and the meat is always fresh. Parking is also a big plus.

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