Fashion Carpets w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneFashion Carpets



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816, Van Houten Avenue, 07013, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-473-3167
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.862029, Longitude: -74.154675

komentarze 5

  • Nancy H

    Nancy H


    Gary and the installation team did a wonderful job. I needed an entire house of custom-size area rugs in a very short time period. Gary worked with me to choose a broadloom pattern and color that would work for the whole house and was also available quickly. He got the carpet in and the cutting and binding done during the Thanksgiving holiday week, which really impressed me. His installers were amazing! They laid each rug meticulously, checking with me to make sure I was happy with the positioning each time. I highly recommend Fashion Carpets and will definitely use them again myself when I need more carpeting.

  • en

    Joe B


    I've dealt with many businesses over the years and Fashion Carpets is one of the best. Fashion Carpets installed laminate flooring in two rooms and the entrance landing.Along with new carpeting in the living room,hall and a bedroom. A very nice and neat job done by the installers who were very friendly and took their time for a very nice install.Absolutely no complaints. The owner Gary was also pleasure to deal with.I'll be doing another floor downstairs in around April/May and will definitely use Fashion Carpets again.

  • Raymond Cavalieri

    Raymond Cavalieri


    I recently purchased a carpet from. Fashion Carpets, very satisfied with the installation. Gary, the owner was very helpful in educating me and choosing the correct product for my specific needs.The website video "selecting the right carpet" was very helpful. I would highly recommend Fashion Carpets for any of your flooring need.

  • en

    Tracy Macario


    My husband and I used Fashion Carpets to plan and install a runner for stairs of our colonial home. They did a fantastic job. Very accommodating, knowledgeable, professional and precise with everything from the first time in the store, to the finished product. We are so happy with the quality of the carpet purchased, as well as the installation. There were no short cuts. It was done right. Carpet came in faster than expected, and was installed very professionally. Looks wonderful! I would recommend Fashion Carpets to anyone looking for flooring done right.

  • en

    s frisco


    Gary, Thank you again for the very professional and personal job on my mom's kitchen floor. Both installers, John and Henry,went above and beyond for us. I will highly recommend you and your staff to anyone who needs flooring! Thanks again, Sue

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