Farrell's i New York

Forenede StaterFarrell's


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215, Prospect Park West, 11215, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-788-8779
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Latitude: 40.6601937, Longitude: -73.9801992

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nick Mora


    Been to many bars, there's just a good vibe here ... bartender is great ... not to mention it's one of the oldest bars in NY

  • william salas

    william salas


    Love this place! Good people mellowed environment.. perfect for a friday night after a long week!

  • en

    Johnny Cataneo


    Good neighborhood bar. One of a last of a breed. Featured in the movie As Good As It Gets with Jack Nicholson.

  • DNIK Publishing

    DNIK Publishing


    My sister and I wandered into this bar on our trip to NY and had a great time. The bartender actually bought us a round of Stella’s and was very nice. This is a neighborhood bar but go in like you belong there and you become one of them.

  • R Kimmich

    R Kimmich


    Farrell's is a utilitarian and time-tested drinking place. Not your spot for food, selection, bubbly service or creature comforts. And yet, so special: dive, old man bar, local watering hole, saloon. Think neon sign, creaky floor, wood paneling with hat hooks, echoed accents and laughter. Check attitudes and expectations at the door. Farrell's is an anachronism in a city defined by change. Sidle up for a beer while you can.

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