Fantastic Sams Cut & Color i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterFantastic Sams Cut & Color



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5965 West Tropicana Avenue c, Las Vegas, NV 89103, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 702-257-9060
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Latitude: 36.09879, Longitude: -115.224

kommentar 5

  • Paul Neill

    Paul Neill


    Found this place by accident! Very happy with our service! Martha has a “feather touch” trimming the hair on your nape. Other cutters dig that trimmer into you. Not her! Will come back for sure!

  • Ivy Brooks

    Ivy Brooks


    Arlene is fantastic! I'm back again to lighten my hair with some foils and I can't wait for her to transform my look again. Come see her and get a superior quality service!

  • Darby Johnson

    Darby Johnson


    Great it...I'll definitely go back... My fifriend loves that new owners special ( free haircut with allover color!). If you live around I highly suggest giving them a shot.

  • Tai Le

    Tai Le


    Got a great haircut, it was a good deal. the stylist was very bubbly and friendly. i would come back soon 5/5

  • en

    Mehrooz Misaghian


    Great Lovely stylists, I love going there. Specially with the new owner they have great specials and good deals. Highly recommended

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