Fantastic Sams Cut & Color w Mansfield

Stany ZjednoczoneFantastic Sams Cut & Color



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1301, East Debbie Lane, 76063, Mansfield, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-453-1941
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.606484, Longitude: -97.1179949

komentarze 5

  • en

    Courteney Clark


    If you come here say two hours prior to closing and want to dye your hair all over, don’t. They want you to do highlights bc it’s less time consuming and will try to guise you into doing that under the premise that it’s so much cheaper. They will make a very concerted effort to talk you out of what you want done to hair that you’re spending your money on so that they can get out at 7. Rude and terrible customer service. If you don’t like your job hours find a place to work where the hours don’t bother you. Update: I wasn’t happy with the way my hair turned out initially. I went back to have them fix it and Stephanie is the best. She a is a great representation of professionalism and took great care of my hair and listened to what I wanted and did not rush me once. Thank you Stephanie!!

  • en

    Augustus Valentine


    They said they could get it grey but it came out horrible dark blond and even though they messed up they still charged full price

  • James Phillips

    James Phillips


    Like any chain haircut salon this one depends upon who you get. You can request individual stylists and they vary in how much they know. This last time that we were there all four of us got haircuts and we had good experiences. The only issue we had was with the check which they could not break up as easily as they previously could with their previous software. I tried to give tips to the individual stylists and they couldn't break it up easily or quickly. We will go back though.

  • cdw626



    Okay, the lady did a good job shaping my son's mop on his head but then after she finished she blew dry his hair, which took LITERALLY 30 seconds and charged $7 bucks for it! Total was $24 for a young boys hair cut... ridiculous. If I had know that my wife had paid for that I would have demanded the money be refunded IMMEDIATELY. $7 for blow drying hair for half a minute is highway robbery. Will not be coming back her EVER, there are PLENTY of places to cut hair.

  • en

    joseph nance


    Every time I need a haircut I go to this location. I always ask for Shane. He is friendly, courteous and a great stylist. This salon overall is excellent!

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