Fanning & Fiore, LLP w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneFanning & Fiore, LLP



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401, Franklin Avenue, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-942-3600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7216798, Longitude: -73.6310545

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anthony Campiglia


    I want to give 10 stars. John , Doug , Marygrace the entire staff are all on point. Very professional, but still made me feel like family . They guided me along as it was very difficult being I moved many states away. Helped with doctor care thru the workers comp insurance. Never once did they leave me hanging . I was even given their personal phone numbers. As I am still using them and they are with me every step. Thank you Fanning and Fiore

  • en

    Adam Tuthill


    John Fiore is knowledgeable and personable, and always kept me updated with any new information about my case. This firm will work hard to make sure you get what you deserve. I highly recommend Fanning and Fiore to anyone seeking a reputable law firm.

  • PUREPLAY2755



    Manning & Fiore listened and cared, they fought for me and won an award protecting financial future while assuring me of continued health care for me injuries Thank You Fanning & Fiore

  • Joseph Dell

    Joseph Dell


    Super firm! I cannot say enough great things about Doug and John, as well as their support staff. They are always right on top of any issues my firm's clients have. They return our calls and make our job handling third party cases that much easier.

  • en

    Dennis J Numis


    To thank Fanning and Fiore would not be enough for how they helped me accomplish a positive decision with their representation. From the start, a few years back, both John Fiore and Douglas Fanning put me at ease in explaining, in detail, what they were going to do in simple layman's terms so that i could understand. They made me feel as if I was part of a family, their family! Their assistants, namely Jovanna, Jenny and Jo were also extremely beneficial whenever I had and inquiry on a matter pertinent to my case and called them on the phone. I would also like to thank and would recommend my Courtroom Representative Shayne Dorr as she was always fighting to get me the best judgement in her strong, intelligent and experienced manner. Fanning and Fiore's diligent and unwavering representation helped me in getting a decision in the courtroom that will help this injured Construction Worker (Steamfitter) for many years ahead. I STRONGLY suggest you give Fanning and Fiore a call to speak to them on how they can help YOU with your problem. It is the ONE (1) call that will help ease your worries and HELP CHANGE YOUR FUTURE AND LIFE FOR THE BETTER......Again for myself (and my Family) thank you with all of our hearts for your compassion and excellent work!!! John, Doug, Shayne and Staff, YOU are the BEST!!!

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