Famous Famiglia Pizza w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFamous Famiglia Pizza



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488, 8th Avenue, 10001, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-564-4144
strona internetowej: www.famousfamiglia8thave.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.752417, Longitude: -73.992966

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kaitlyn Quaglieri


    The service was great and quick, and the restaurant itself had nice decor and was clean. Our only problem was the pizza could have been a little more flavorful.

  • Ester Caballé Morera

    Ester Caballé Morera


    Our experience has been HORRIBLE. From the first moment they have been very rude, unpleasant and unfriendly to us. We have ordered some ice cream for desserts. I ordered a hazelnut ice cream, as the cashier has indicated to us. When we tried the ice cream, it was from Ron with raisins. I went politely, kindly and with a smile to tell the cashier that the ice cream was not hazelnut, but was rum with raisins. She has been unpleasant again, I told her (again with a smile) that I could taste it to prove it, because I was not lying to her. She said, with a VERY UNPLEASANT tone that she worked there and knew perfectly well that it was made of hazelnut, that if I did not know what the hazelnut was, that was not her problem. I reiterate, as I said to her, that she is stupid, because I have also worked for many years as a waitress and I have never treated a client with such contempt, because the client approaches you to solve a problem, not for the Worker answer SO ungraciously. Because of this lady (who claims to be the owner of the place, a fact I totally doubt) I am now in the hospital, because I am allergic to raisins and I have eaten a food that she claimed to be different and, in addition, has totally denied a friendly dialogue. Some clients who have heard the conversation say that, if we need testimonies, they will support us since the treatment has been DENIGRANT.

  • Christina Bowman

    Christina Bowman


    Stopped in for a quick bite to eat. Food smelled amazing but didn't pack a lot of punch in the flavor department. Portions were large enough to share but otherwise nothing to write home about.

  • en

    Av White


    Hey i love their special pizzas. Nice clean welcoming spot. I try to make sure i go here at least 2 times a month

  • Kevin Fountain

    Kevin Fountain


    Pizza is nothing special. A place called Brooklyn Brothers in Washington state was way way better! Giorgio’s in downtown was far better as well.

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