Family Dollar w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneFamily Dollar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4917, North Shepherd Drive, 77018, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-692-4204
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.838139, Longitude: -95.4115596

komentarze 5

  • David Herrera

    David Herrera


    Clean and workers helped me find what I needed politely

  • en

    Crystal Buono


    I love this store. The workers are friendly and they also ask if i need help.

  • Jose Velasquez

    Jose Velasquez


    I love the customer service here. Cashiers are great and very helpful.

  • A.Dossman



    Overall good looking store, but lately the customer satisfaction is at a low. Unfortunately they do not do cash back. So if you walk in with only cash. Be prepared to only get what you want, but no change back. So your scrambling around to find stuff that you don't even need to make your $20 worth while. Not sure if they place keeps getting robbed or what, that is why they don't hold cash. But if that is the case, hire a security guard to watch the place. This week I walked in and needed some hot dog buns that costed $1.25 and I only had $10. Well I was another $8.75 on useless stuff I didn't need at the time. That is a problem. I recommend to go to a different dollar store in the meantime.

  • Porsha Kwasikpui

    Porsha Kwasikpui


    It's not super far from my house so I go here every now and then. It's a pretty crowded store. There isn't much space to maneuver the cart. They have a pretty good selection of what you'd expect from a Family Dollar. Also, the bags are super duper thing and you can't push the cart out of the store. So, having my kids with my bags is a bother because I can't push it to my car.

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