Family Dollar w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneFamily Dollar



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2300, North Alexander Drive, 77520, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-691-9958
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7446717, Longitude: -94.9478745

komentarze 5




    If your in Baytown Texas, don't stop by are even waste your time and money at any of the family dollar's that's in the area. They never have anything, they are always waiting for a delivery truck to show up, are the warehouse didn't ship the items. There's always a excuse for something going wrong. They are always blaming it on the other person. It's always the blame game. When there low on cash they will put the credit card reader out of service. The Internet is always down and are running very very slow. All the family dollar's in the city of Baytown Texas are very old and out dated and most of them smell bad and have no A/C. Are if they due have a/c they will blame the corporate office for not turning it on like folks are crazy and surpost to believe them lies. Every store that, Howard Levine/ CEO AND PRESIDENT of family dollar's has built has they own air conditioning thermostat. The employees really hate to turn the air conditioning on. Theses stores really need a major make over.

  • veronica rangel

    veronica rangel


    Always lovely service when I go in. They always have everything I need when I'm not in the mood to go to the big stores. It's starting to get nicer inside compared to a few years ago too. Great manager and team.

  • William Edwards

    William Edwards


    I come here a lot! I dont know why I just do.. They need some floor help to keep these shelves properly stocked. I can say that the employees are always nice to me. Store a lil junky. Easy in and out. Plenty of parking

  • Catrina Gilbert

    Catrina Gilbert


    After asking about one of their Online coupons , I was asked to move out of the way so that other customers in line behind me would be taken care of first. Why should I have to move si that others people behind me are taken care of when I was to be taken care of first? To add insult to injury, I was given a bag with a hole in it so all of my things fell on the ground. I went back inside to get a refund because now I'm beyond frustrated. The same check out person says to me. "Now you want a refund because you dropped them on the ground "? I showed her the bag with the gaping hole in it and said "explain this then". I was given a refund, however I will never spend another dime in this establishment where I'm not respected. I'll be shopping elsewhere. Like DOLLAR GENERAL for discounts.

  • Bertha Tomlinson

    Bertha Tomlinson


    Very poor manager. Yells at customers and workers. She has no respect for anyone. Upper management has been notified more than a few times but still won't get her out of this store. I worked there and have been out of the store for just over one year and I work elsewhere and still have people coming to me complaining about her. All I can do is tell them to stop shopping there and call Corp. That still don't seem to be helping. It is just sad for a store to be supposedly being guided the way it has been. I here the store is trashy all the time. Just sad. Come on Family Dollar you can do a whole lot better than this.

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