Famaliving New Jersey i Paramus

Forenede StaterFamaliving New Jersey



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332, New Jersey 4, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-881-0820
internet side: newjersey.famaliving.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9126498, Longitude: -74.0437617

kommentar 5

  • Jessica gregory

    Jessica gregory


    We are very satisfied with the purchased we made at Famaliving in Paramus. I love our new European design sofa and my husband is happy with the reclining chairs for our media room. It was refreshing to see a choice of colors rather than the usual tans and browns in other stories. We will be back real soon.

  • Francisco kennett

    Francisco kennett


    When we were looking for modern unique sofas our search brought us to this cool furniture store in Paramus. We found everything we need right here under one roof. The sales person was extremely helpful and the prices were very low for what we wanted. We are very happy with our new sofa bed sectional sofa.

  • Ernestine chapman

    Ernestine chapman


    Fama Living is by far the best lace to buy sectional sleepers and reclining chairs. We furnished our entire shore home with space saving designs fro here. If we have many quests we are ready. This store had everything we needed including storage coffee tables and relax chairs.

  • John snow

    John snow


    My wife and I finally agreed on a contemporary sofa after we went to Famaliving. We had been looking for six months but never found one we both liked until we came here. The service was great and the price was right too. We love our new Luxury sofa.

  • Hayden Ike

    Hayden Ike


    For the best selection of funky furniture in NJ, Famaliving is the place to go. All I could say was wow when I first began walking around this showroom. I have never seen such a collection of modern sofas and chairs under one roof. The prices were very good to. I am happy with the sectional sleepers I bought here.

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