Fama Living New York en New York

Estados UnidosFama Living New York



🕗 horarios

2648, Coney Island Avenue, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-743-3262
sitio web: newyork.famaliving.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5921728, Longitude: -73.9610093

comentarios 5

  • en

    lonnie linn


    I purchased my luxury sofa at Famaliving and the entire experience was a pleasant one. From the sales person to the delivery to sitting in it at home for the first time. Buying luxury sofas should always be like this. Stress free and easy.

  • William bermudez

    William bermudez


    This store has the best selection of comfort sofas modern armchairs in the NY area. I have made several purchases here and have been very satisfied with the service and the prices. I will be back soon.

  • james medlin

    james medlin


    Foe the best selection and prices on Spain furniture designs go to Famaliving in Brooklyn. Modern sofas, modern armchairs, or anything else fro stylish comfort, this is the place to go. I purchased two recliner chairs for my media room and I am very pleased with them. I will be going back soon to look at COM sofas. this is my favorite furniture store.

  • Marco Reginald

    Marco Reginald


    This is a great funky furniture store. It is perfect for my eclectic yet modern taste. They have an incredible selection of European design sofa's and modern rocking chairs and recliners. This is the only furniture store I will ever need.

  • Robbie Bo

    Robbie Bo


    I love this store. They have the best selection of cool furniture in Brooklyn. I bought two modular sofas here and a modern armchair. My apartment looks great. I am very happy with all three pieces.

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