Fairview Appliance Repair Pros w Fairview

Stany ZjednoczoneFairview Appliance Repair Pros



🕗 godziny otwarcia

351, Bergen Boulevard, 07022, Fairview, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 862-229-9420
strona internetowej: fairview-appliance-repair-pros.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.821601, Longitude: -73.999623

komentarze 5

  • Britt Curley

    Britt Curley


    My Whirlpool refrigerator was not cooling well, prompting me to call Fairview Appliance Repair Pros for assistance. The appliance service technician arrived on time, checked on the unit’s malfunction, and resolved it right away. This brand of refrigerator service is truly amazing, efficient, friendly, and reasonably priced.

  • Palmer Skelley

    Palmer Skelley


    It was a big deal to find the washing machine not spinning because our everyday laundry was quite a lot. So I did not wait to let the day pass without calling Fairview Appliance Repair Pros for assistance. I was impressed that they respond as quickly. Their washer repair service got my problem solved the same day.

  • Nelson Kincade

    Nelson Kincade


    It was nice working with the people from Cliffside Park Appliance Repair Pros. The technicians are obviously well trained to perform exact fixes for regular troubles like mine: an oven that won’t heat. They are also well mannered and very easy to work with. I didn’t mind having them around at all.

  • Marcel Plaisance

    Marcel Plaisance


    We were out of town for quite a while and thought of checking our home appliances when we got back. They were old and the freezer gasket was worn anyway. So, we explained our demands to the technician at Cliffside Park Appliance Repair Pros and he promised to take care of everything. The following day, he came over with the new gasket and serviced all appliances. He assured us that all of them were in a good condition. We liked his honesty and loved that he helped so quickly! Recommended appliance service!

  • Odell Iwamoto

    Odell Iwamoto


    I love my dishwasher. It helps save time and effort in cleaning the dishes. Sadly, just after a few months of using, it no longer worked properly. The dishes were still dirty after using the appliance. Hence, I called Cliffside Park Appliance Repair Pros to fix it. They sent qualified technicians who did appliance repairs immediately.

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