Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Seattle Bellevue/Redmond w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneFairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Seattle Bellevue/Redmond


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

14595, Northeast 29th Place, 98007, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-869-6548
strona internetowej: www.marriott.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6348249, Longitude: -122.1471007

komentarze 5

  • Donald Mak

    Donald Mak


    Arrived when half the hotel was flooded. I was placed on the 2nd floor and the 3rd guest was just stomping around in the room all night. Bathroom light was flashing and closet door wouldn't close. As the location isn't exactly central but has the decency to charge $12 for parking! The breakfast was weak. 1 meat choice and no waffle or pancake.

  • Russ Tliff

    Russ Tliff


    I don't know if I just got unlucky with a room or if it's a common thing in this hotel. But the air heater works like a roaring bulldozer (probably defective). So I could only fall asleep only with earplugs on. The second thing the alarm clock was preset at 6 am. I didn't know that because I never used a hotel alarm. I went to bed at 2 am, and that thing woke me up at 6. It should be set off by housekeeping in the first place. So I didn't have enough sleep that night. As a cherry on top of that ice cream housekeeping came in at 10 am even though the official checkout time was 12. I was still in bed naked. Then they came in a second time. I've tried to explain to them what's going on but the language barrier was the issue. Plus the smell in the room kinda reminded me of a senior living place. Wasn't fresh at all. I'm giving this place extra 2 stars because of the really good breakfast. I like Marriott hotels, I always stay there. There is Residence by Marriott at the same location. Great place, I gave it 5 stars. And the price difference is not significant.

  • Dalia Shehyn

    Dalia Shehyn


    Rooms were very clean, gym was great but most importantly the staff was amazing, they were always helpful and friendly. We stayed here with my sons hockey team, they were so accommodating at giving us some oatmeal and chocolate milk for super early games. This was because we were gone before breakfast was served. Very happy with the over all experience.

  • Bo Snyder

    Bo Snyder


    The rooms were very nice and clean. Also staff were very friendly and helpful. There was a false alarm fire alarm in the middle of the night but they were still friendly and helped calmed everyone down and keep the situation good. Overall very happy with my stay. Would recommend.

  • Mariana Ramirez

    Mariana Ramirez


    Unfortunately, I will not be staying at another Marriott. My partner and I stayed here for a week while our home was being renovated. It was a hectic time, and we accidentally left a week’s worth of clothes in a drawer in the hotel room. While I realize it was my mistake leaving anything in a room, it’s what happened from there that is incredibly frustrating. We realized the mistake within days of checkout and contacted the hotel. We got the initial response that they needed to look around and do some follow ups on their end, which makes sense. What followed was a ridiculous run around that took over a month to initiate an insurance claim to replace over $1,000 worth of clothes, while I’m at home missing some staples. The communication among the staff at the hotel was unacceptable. We were asked to re explain the situation from scratch multiple times, and were even gaslit when told that perhaps we left the clothes in the laundry room (hint, we didn’t). We will see how the insurance situation resolves, but at the time of this writing I checked out almost 6 weeks ago and have had no resolution that actually helps me replace the items that were lost. Overall, it’s a fine hotel, just don’t forget any of your stuff. Definitely expected better after for platinum elite status, or any guest for that matter.

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