EZPAWN w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneEZPAWN



🕗 godziny otwarcia

212, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89101, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-474-7324
strona internetowej: stores.ezpawn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1676885, Longitude: -115.1419377

komentarze 5

  • en

    lisa princko


    Never an issue with this or any other location I have used. They are very fair and easy to work with. I experienced a very friendly staff and large selection of items to chose from as well as a great price on my items I put up for loan.

  • en

    Jackelin Rivera


    I came to return a Apple Watch because the cashier told us we had 24hrs to return it if we had any problems with the device and we will get our full refund back so we came and justin helped us and he asked me if I wanted to get something else or I wanted cash back and I tried to get a cámara but the one I liked didn’t have the battery so I decided to get my cash back. And then when he was helping us to get our cash back this other employee by the name of Patricia starts yelling that we can’t get our money back. While she was also helping other customers she started yelling at Justin that we couldn’t get our money back and I decided to talk to the manager and I also stated that I wasn’t doing business with her and Jose the assistant manager was rude and Oscar came with a good attitude and I got my money back thank you Justin and Oscar. Me comeing from a customer service background Patricia and Jose as a assistant manager have horrible customer service and if they hate what they do they should look for another job the customer always comes first no matter what because people like them you loose business.

  • Singh Addy

    Singh Addy


    Amazing plz It now

  • en

    Constance Richards


    I have been coming here regularly for years. Love the customer service.😃😃😃

  • en

    Futuristic Concepts


    The manager of this particular EZ PAWN is a decent fellow who will assist you if you have a problem pertaining to his store. However he has some of THE worse employees imaginable. If they are talking amongst themselves and see you waiting they continue their conversation. Most rude and unprofessional. If you try to pawn something they are quick to tell you that they only accept top of the line when they basically have a store full of junk that's worse than a ghetto yard sale. Scratched DVDs that are taped shut...music cds so old that nobody buys them and if you do see one that gets your interest 9 out of 10 it's so damaged that you can't play it. And the prices!! They honestly try to sell you items at current retail knowing full well that it is not worth 10 percent of the asking price. So my analysis of this store? Great manager who manages a store far beneath his status...idiotic dishonest employees...unrealistic prices...cluttered store appearance...and in my opinion it needs to be shut down and a burger joint replace it. Rating on 1 to 10?...NEGATIVE 8.

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