EZPAWN en North Las Vegas

Estados UnidosEZPAWN



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1832, North Las Vegas Boulevard, 89030, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 702-649-8533
sitio web: stores.ezpawn.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.1929637, Longitude: -115.1315025

comentarios 5

  • Mrs Scanlon

    Mrs Scanlon


    Great staff. Decent prices. Good selection of jewelry and tvs. Much better than super pawn

  • Lakiesha Jones

    Lakiesha Jones


    Go here to get awesome things at good price. The late shift is great. Always helpful.. Home office was put together in no time with their help on a budget...A++++++ CS

  • en

    Crystal Mefford


    I called them up a lady answered... I asked her if they took lock boxes and portable safes to which she said yes and I would get $10-$20. Asked her is she took kitchen appliances like a slicer and she said yes what did I want for it and so on. Quoted me $2-$7. Asked about a few other things and again got yes and quoted prices. I'm a struggling single mom. I work at Smith's and lost my mother a few month's ago. I rode my bike over 2 miles to be belittled and made to feel like a street junky. I got a $10 bucks for the trouble. It wasn't so much the money but that I got quoted over the phone and practically laughed at in store. Bad customer service but hey I got my dog's their food till pay day at least.

  • Jonah Obil

    Jonah Obil


    I've been going there for 2 years and enjoy their services along with great offers.

  • burning fortress

    burning fortress


    Garbage this place is garbage for pawn overpriced on buying items low balling on how much the will give you. Told me 200 on Xbox 1 only pawnshop in town 200 on Xbox one the worst.

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