Ezdrin & Woods, P.C. w Syosset

Stany ZjednoczoneEzdrin & Woods, P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

93, Jackson Avenue, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-307-1330
strona internetowej: ezdrinwoods.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.823453, Longitude: -73.502053

komentarze 5

  • en

    Oded Haidatov


    I had the pleasure of working with Gianni Karmily on an issue several months ago. I must say, Gianni always showed the utmost respect and professionalism in every instance. He was always easily accessible and his knowledge of criminal defense law impressed me. I would recommend him highly- without any reservations to anyone seeking a criminal defense attorney in the NYC/Long Island area.

  • en

    Itamar Hematian


    I had the pleasure of working with Gianni on one of my issues. The entire time, he was fully accessible by phone and email and answered any question and concern I had promptly (that is ALREADY more than most other people I have worked with). Gianni helped me resolve my issue without going to court in a quick and effective matter and I would definitely recommend him to a friend. 5 Stars.

  • en

    Atlantic G. Corp


    Gianni and his team were very knowledgeable, professional and responsive. Gianni sat me down with me in his office and assured me from the very beginning that he would do everything in his power to protect me. In less then 3 months the entire case was withdrawn and all charges were dropped. Throughout the entire process Gianni was very supportive, compassionate and provided excellent handling of my case. He answered all of my questions and took the time to explain the entire situation to me each and every step of the way.

  • en

    Mikki Afflick


    Gianni one of the associates treats you with much class and grace. You are really in good hands with him. He’s very professional and will be sure that all your legel needs are met. You will get the best results using him .

  • en

    N Kopolovich


    Gianni and Charo the best lawyers that I ever met. I had a good experience with both of them. They understand immediately what kind of problem you have, answer all your questions and ready to help. I would highly recommend this low firm for everybody who is looking to get a good profession service.

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