Eyebrow Energy-Threading w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneEyebrow Energy-Threading



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2713, Crawford Street, 77004, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-397-7183
strona internetowej: www.eyebrowenergy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.741128, Longitude: -95.369557

komentarze 5

  • Jessica Schlicting

    Jessica Schlicting


    I have never had my brows in the same way or nearly as well as I have by Kim. I have been going to her for about 9 months, and it's been worth every penny- my brows have never looked this AMAZING- I get compliments all the time. She started in my first appointment by getting to know me and what I wanted from my brows, and together she set a vision for how we wanted them to look. To be honest, I was nervous during my first appointment, because I love my full brows and didn't want them to be gone, but I didn't need to be at all. Believe me when I say that they look so much better than they ever have, I can go much longer between getting them done and still love the way they look, and it's worth every single penny! Besides that, I guarantee that you'll absolutely love spending time with Kim, because she cares about you just as much as she cares about your brows. Schedule your appointment- you won't regret it!!

  • Yomie Brumley

    Yomie Brumley


    CERTIFIED EYEBROW ARCHITECT One of The Best Investments Ever! I've been getting my Brows Threaded since I was 18yrs old. I decided to take a class and Eyebrow Energy came Highly recommended. I was not disappointed! Kim is Professional, Proficient in Customer Satisfaction, Loving, Caring, Gives Positive Energy, and Have a Beautiful Spirit. I Learned The Art of Threading, Business Management, How to Market My Brand, and How to let The Golden Milk pierce my Soul♡ Out of the 25 years I have been getting my eyebrows threaded, no one has cared for them as Kim has. Her Technique and Teaching Skills are paramount! GET YOUR BROWS ENERGIZED! I Am Yomie, A Student & A Client♡

  • Johna E

    Johna E


    This review is for the EYEBROW THREADING CLASS: There is a reason this business is called Eyebrow ENERGY. Kim's vibe, passion, space, hospitality, and Tumeric milk give you such positive energy. I feel like I can conquer the eyebrow world. Lol. I learned so much more than threading in the class. I learned shaping, business, health, and much more than you could ever imagine. I also was blessed to attend the class with a group of women I bonded greatly with and it was because of the energy in this place. I highly recommend getting your brows or taking the class with her. Life changing!

  • en

    Jeanette Margle


    I never knew how important eyebrows were until I met Kim, which is ironic since mine are humongous. That was 6 years ago, and I don't regret one penny I've spent with her getting my brows into literally perfect shape. Kim is TRULY an artist, and you are lucky to be a client on the receiving end of her phenomenal skills and her positive energy. Commit to the process and prepare to be amazed.

  • Paula Bates

    Paula Bates


    I have been going to Kim to have my eyebrows threaded for several months now. The transformation has been fantastic! My eyebrows look amazing and I receive compliments on a regular basis. Not only does she work magic on my eyebrows, but the atmosphere is so relaxing and I really look forward to my appointments. She is a wonderful lady and every time I go in I leave feeling (and looking!) great. I admit that I hesitated at first to pay a little extra since I was used to second rate threading, but you really do get what you pay for. She takes time to make you feel special-- when I'm there I really feel like I must be her only client because of the attention I receive and the details she remembers about my life. I cannot say enough good things about Kim. I would recommend her to anyone!

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