Express Tile Inc en North Bergen

Estados UnidosExpress Tile Inc



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8200, Tonnele Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-758-1558
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8080466, Longitude: -74.0152587

comentarios 5

  • Mike Bowser

    Mike Bowser


    My tile order was delayed by more than a week, so I'm not sure "Express" is an appropriate business name. Customer service is horrible.

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    Joshua Biddle


    Everyone at the store was very helpful. They had a great selection of tile and the prices are very fair. Had no problems returning the unused tiles and my entire experience with them was very smooth. I will definitely be buying from them again in the future. Recommended.

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    David B


    Very Helpful an will work with you as well as having a showroom also very helpful to match your taste an ideas I will be traveling back to to buy from them again

  • kamelya boyaci

    kamelya boyaci


    Beautiful tiles, great service, great prices. Don't waste your time anywhere else.

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    Charles Emmons


    I highly recommend Express Tile & Kitchens. They did a fabulous job on our kitchen and the prices were FAR less than anywhere else for the same (high) quality. We bought everything from them and used their installers as well. Make sure you ask for TAMER when you stop in. He is EXTREMELY knowledgeable and a true pleasure to work with. And, if you buy, make sure BALDO installs your cabinets. He is the best of the best.

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