Exotic Auto Detail i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1150, 22nd Street Northwest, 20037, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-498-7728
internet side: www.exoticautodetail.com
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Latitude: 38.9045995, Longitude: -77.0491354

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel Soba

    Emmanuel Soba


    A freaking golden standard experience! I was so impressed with how well they revived my car with just one car detail and the customer service was great and prompt. I have been to many and man, I cannot believe I wasted all these years elsewhere. In fact, I was so moved and impressed that I gave free services to my clients and anyone on facebook if they went to them. Simply the best and perfect for people that truly love their car and want to keep as much value from their car as they can. My car is like new!!!

  • Ahsan Huda

    Ahsan Huda


    Decent person who works hard... He took pride in making my Porsche look like new...

  • Toussaint Crawford

    Toussaint Crawford


    They are fine. Good if you work out in the gym above. Standard stuff. Not miracle workers, but fairly good.

  • en

    Cassandra Johnson


    Horrible experience. Bought a living social deal for here. They don't answer their phone. Guy working there was super rude. They charged me an extra $15 for my small SUV - which was not clearly disclosed in the living social deal. The deal only said there may be an upcharge for an 'oversized vehicle' but I guess I didn't consider a Rogue oversized and they never told me how much the charge would be until after they already cleaned the car. And even after charging me, I realized they didn't even CLEAN the back of the SUV. I went back and made them at least vacuum it. My deal included a steam clean but I'm pretty sure they didn't steam clean anything. They even put the floor mats back in all the wrong places. Don't waste your money.

  • en

    Cory Mann


    I tried to get my car washed and detailed before trying to sell it. I called to make an appointment but never got an answer on either of the phone numbers on the website. I went to the place and no one was there at all. I contacted the Ritz Carlton front desk and they assured me they were sending the guy down to meet me. After waiting another 15 minutes, no one still showed up. We finally left and never got my service. I don't know what is going on with these guys but I would avoid this deal and this business at all costs.

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