Exitoc Hair Salon & Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneExitoc Hair Salon & Spa



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1384, White Plains Road, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-328-1600
strona internetowej: studioexotics.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8353757, Longitude: -73.8629155

komentarze 4

  • en

    c money


    I go here consistently and it is wonderful . The place is very clean and they use top of the line products . The price might be a bit high but you're getting what you paid for ! Been going here for over 3 years love this place !!

  • Alicia ANA

    Alicia ANA


    Not professional staff at all.. Walked in asking if they could do a curly perm and they looked at me like I was a crazy person and no one ever asks for that. The Owner rudely dismissed me and went back to her customer in the chair. Never going back there again.

  • en

    Nicole Galvez


    I went to this place once months ago. I went for a quick filling and it was far from quick. The wait was almost an hour (which is why I give a three), but if you stick around and wait it is worth it. I feel what I walked out with was excellent. The nail technician paid attention to detail and laid down the acrylic thin like I asked. She paints nails very well, which I am very very picky about. She didn't have to remove any nail polish from my skin. I do not rate this place a 5 because they only have one nail technician and you pretty much have to call in advance because she is usually busy. If they had more technicians the service wait time may be shorter.

  • en

    Ashley Perez


    Horrible place to do your nails. I don't about hair I never done my hair there. But the nails are horrible I went to get a full set they charge me 30 dollars and the next day 2 fell off not broke they fell off and I went to see if they can fix it or something because it was literary the day after and they said no all they could do is take the Off. And the owner has a very nasty attitude.

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