evo Portland Store i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Staterevo Portland Store



🕗 åbningstider

200, Southeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, 97214, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 503-972-5850
internet side: www.evo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.5212832, Longitude: -122.6614107

kommentar 5

  • Robert Cohen

    Robert Cohen


    Team has great knowledge and works hard to make sure you buy the best product for your needs! The best boot fitters in the region!

  • en

    Philip Pellette


    The buying experience was very easy. The products were delivered in a timely manner ahead of when I expected them. Overall, a very pleasant purchase experience and an exceptional price.

  • Heath Wright

    Heath Wright


    Amazing store with knowledgable staff members. Purchased a great set of skis and bindings and am completely satisfied with them! My only complaint is that there was no call to let me know my skis and bindings were ready to be picked up; I had to call them to follow up. However, when I did pick them up in-store, the shop attendant was very thorough with explaining the settings and safety testing that was done to ensure that my bindings were set correctly. I will continue to shop for skiing gear here without question!

  • Curt Nelson

    Curt Nelson


    I love this place. I am an older (60) previous avid skier who has taken the last 10yrs off. The associates I worked with on both the skis and the boots were very patient with me. They helped me into a fantastic set up that makes me feel 25 again! I can't thank them enough!

  • en

    Eli Balta


    Great experience. Jeremy was very patient and stayed with me for 2.5 hours until an hour after closing time to help me pick all my gear. The boots were a great fit, as well as the snowboard, bindings, goggles and helmet. In addition, the lowest price guarantee is for real and I was refunded 85$ for the price difference on my snowboard without any problems.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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