Everything But Water i Brea

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEverything But Water



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2058, Brea Mall, 92821, Brea, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-529-2485
internet side: www.everythingbutwater.com
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Latitude: 33.915274, Longitude: -117.886362

kommentar 5

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    Michael Sweet


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    Emma Hart


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    Breta Sorenson


    The Brea Mall Store is NOT my best friend! I bought a swimsuit prior to taking a winter vacation, but prior to purchasing, I asked the sales associate if I could return the swimsuit if I did not use it during my trip. She told me yes, to keep the receipt for the return. When I came back from my vacation, I tried to return it, but were told that the computers were down, and to call each day til I got through, because the phone number was the same line as the computer. Well, I tried again today, and found the store doors closed and locked with no sign on the door explaining why! I phoned a store in another mall, and was told that the employees might be to lunch, but should have hung a sign on the door. There was no sign, no indication they were at lunch or even there that day! Now I have to go back for a third time, or drive quite a distance to a different mall to return it! I will NEVER make another purchase in the Brea Mall store! Three strikes and you are out! A negative value star from me!

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    Vanessa Ro


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    Rene Menjivar


    This place has horrible customer service. I have now had 4 instances in the past 2 years where I have either called or been in the store and the associates are rude. I go here because it's in my town but no more. I have never received this type of treatment at other EBW locations. I don't want to give this store any business due to the treatment of their customers. They need to train people better or hire people who aren't so rude. This might be why the store is always empty.

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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