Everfresh Supermarket i Great Neck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEverfresh Supermarket



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533, Middle Neck Road, 11023, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-773-4600
internet side: www.everfreshsupermarket.com
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Latitude: 40.8009744, Longitude: -73.7346124

kommentar 5

  • Bertram Donley

    Bertram Donley


    Geography bestows upon them the right to mark up 30-40%. All kosher meat, so cuts are limited.

  • en

    Caroline Shaliehsaboo


    Excellent place. Good food, broad selection,good service, short lines and very clean.

  • Charlie Anteby

    Charlie Anteby


    I go here for the great selection of kosher food that I like to buy, I come back again and again for the friendly and professional customer service. Thanks to the entire Everfresh team for setting new standards in Kosher Grocery shopping!

  • en

    Jonathan R


    Small store where sometimes you can find a good deal through their weekly ads, but they have a limited fresh food selection and are otherwise expensive. Very poor customer service. The sushi area is not very clean, I got sick a couple of times from their sushi.

  • Devora Sara Alon

    Devora Sara Alon


    Everfresh has a great selection of kosher food. Prices are reasonable and sales are great. Fruit and vegetables are very fresh.It has sushi (made there) for a reasonable price. The parking lot is a little awkwardly laid out ( the store, too, can get very crowded!), but all around, it is a great place to find kosher groceries.

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