Eurostars Wall Street i New York

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129, Front Street, 10005, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-742-0003
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.705063, Longitude: -74.006177

kommentar 5

  • cherry chiong

    cherry chiong


    We enjoyed the room 805 high ceiling, space was big which is something very rare in Manhattan hotels and the location is very close to everything, stores, coffee shops and eatery. Hands down and in need of better housekeeping and room maintenance. That is where hotel can permanently lose a customer.

  • Ben Batman

    Ben Batman


    We have visited NY 7 times to see my brother in college there and everytime, the Eurostars hotel is an amazing experience. All the stars and very nice and cordial. They even know us by name wheneber we come. The reason for a four star review is because of the breakfast. It is quite expensive and personally not the worth the money. Other than that, they provide excellent service and would definitely recommend staying there.

  • Paul McNeal

    Paul McNeal


    Holy cow! This place is really amazing. Pleasant staff, clean rooms, great service. I got to my room and the iron was not working, working 5 mind the game me a news one. Very responsive.

  • Annie Do

    Annie Do


    It was great! One of my light bulbs was out though. And the tub wasn't as big as I thought it would be. But I still really liked the room - it was very spacious and nice.

  • en

    Jason Felts


    Definitely NOT a 4 star, I’d give it a 3 We stayed in Dec for three nights with our family and had three rooms. I booked it via name your own price on Priceline looking for a 4 star hotel... this is not a 4 star. I’m guessing the reason it’s rated a 4 star on National sites is because of location and amenities, not the quality of the hotel. The Good; The rooms were very large and spacious for NYC. We had a small kitchen with a full size refrigerator which was convenient Location is Great Staff was friendly and helpful Good value for the area The Bad Wrong Star rating! Should be a 3 star. Old decor and the finishes in the room needs to be updated Only a half of shower door (odd) No bell staff to help with Luggage Beds were very hard and not comfortable Stayed: December 2017

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