European Wax Center - Hurst i Hurst

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEuropean Wax Center - Hurst



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1424, West Pipeline Road, 76053, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-595-0520
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8241745, Longitude: -97.2033338

kommentar 5

  • Pat Williams

    Pat Williams


    Great place to go for waxing, the kind they used is not hot and does a great removal of hair. Very professional.

  • en

    Lidiya S


    I have been going here for 3 years, no complains. And my waxer is awesome.

  • en

    Maria M


    Very expensive and do not respect the time of the appointment but if you arrive a little late they cancel the service. Sometimes the lady in Front desk is very rude.

  • en

    Kayla Burgess


    I have come to this location for the last 3 years and today will be my last visit. The customer service is absolutely awful! My one reason for continued business has been solely due to the talent of Arissa. I have been sitting in the lobby for 45 minutes after my scheduled appointment. The young lady working the front desk has been very rude and unable to answer any of my questions about a possible ETA and told me that I need to reschedule an appointment if I can’t wait longer!! I have waited far longer than I ever have before or ever will again!!! She has not done anything to help me or inform me of any changes or solutions. It is now an hour passed and she has been on her phone and ignoring all of us here in the lobby!!!

  • Alix S

    Alix S


    Heather did a great job fixing my brows and even showed me how to fill them in and make them look good! The salon has packages where if you purchase waxes in advance, you get a few for free. I loved this salon and will definitely be back.

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