European Wax Center w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropean Wax Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

670, Fellsway, 02155, Medford, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 781-396-6500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.4076953, Longitude: -71.0845032

komentarze 5

  • Sarah Berlus

    Sarah Berlus


    Friendly staff; the wax specialist knows their stuff and the clients. Plus they have an awesome playlist!

  • en

    Alaa Alalawy


    I was so busy with my school and i had no time to review this horrible store. I was pressured into sign rewards program by a staff person at the front, so the story is she was explaining the reward program that they will charge me every time I show up around $75 and i have mention that i am international student so I don’t want you to cause my account overdraft don’t charge me before you asking me we had agreement about that. I paid at the beginning $85 a month later they charged me $75 without notice me they broke their promise. Those people think only about how to get money from people. Alos, i laid for all my services i have only one payment left and i was out of the state they called me and said if you are not coming this time you will lose your deal with us. Thank you guys for a bad service, thank you for brooking your promise. YOU ARE AN AWFUL PEOPLE.

  • Anne Leetch

    Anne Leetch


    The staff is always welcoming and personable. The facility is clean and inviting. I would particularly like to thank Edna for doing a terrific job. She makes me feel so comfortable and her professional knowledge puts me at ease.

  • en

    susan deluca


    I just started going to EWC and got my very first Brazilian at the ripe age of 59. Taylor did an amazing job and was very thorough and made you feel very at ease. I would highly recommend Taylor!

  • michelle estepe

    michelle estepe


    I love jen. She makes an uncomfortable experience so much more comfortable. This place is clean and organized. Staff is very polite.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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