European Wax Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropean Wax Center



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4545, Center Boulevard, 11109, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-482-9299
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7478679, Longitude: -73.9558098

komentarze 5

  • Ian Kusinitz

    Ian Kusinitz


    Stop in from time to time. Always 5 stars service. Abeer does amazing work.

  • en

    Niki K


    LOVEEEEE it here! Saw it while I was having lunch across the street. I make sure to stop in whenever I visit NY, since I don't live close. Very clean and the staff is friendly! Awesome waxes in no time at all!

  • en

    Nathalia Grueso


    I had a great experience here, the girl that did it to me was such a nice girl and so professional her name is Adriana I loved her. I’m definitely going back!!

  • en

    Nicole Cox


    I've been going here for about two years now and Amanda and Adriana are great. Early on I saw someone else and it wasn't great (painful and rushed) but now I make sure to see either Amanda or Adriana only. Before seeing them I found waxing (especially Brazilians) scary and super painful - now I go once a month!

  • Meghan Grady

    Meghan Grady


    I got a full Brazilian here and it was terrible. I have fair skin and light hair, so I get ingrown hairs easily. I let the aesthetician know & she said no problem. Then she proceeded to wax a few areas multiple times even when I asked her not to, as this causes ingrown hairs. She said "don't worry, it's just a thin layer this time." And then she did the same area a third time. She was very nice but horrible at her job. When I got home, I was covered in wax still. I had to use oil to remove it all, about a quarter-sized ball. The edge of the bikini line was totally missed on both sides, and I had to tweeze it. As expected, I got really bad ingrown hairs and irritation from the waxing. On top of all of that, the ladies at the front were very pushy about trying to get me to sign up for a package & book my next appointment - even before I went in for the wax. People can read and understand how the promo works. If they don't want it, then either the service sucks or the promo is not adding enough value to pre-pay.

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