European Street Cafe w Jacksonville

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropean Street Cafe



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1704, San Marco Boulevard, 32207, Jacksonville, Duval County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 904-398-9500
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Latitude: 30.3070313, Longitude: -81.6603349

komentarze 5

  • Christie Carter

    Christie Carter


    Down to earth atmosphere, amazing food. And if you think the food is great, wait until you order dessert. I am not normally a dessert girl, but this blew my mind. Props to the pastry chef. There is also a great selection here for vegetarians and vegans, but the meat ears will be happy as well.

  • en

    David Castanheira


    Used to come to Euro Street Cafe frequently, the staff was great and the happy hour from 2pm-7pm was awesome. After the last hurricane season they renovated the restaurant and added new staff, haven't had the same experience as before. The menu hasn't changed which is good, HH is still there and they still carry the same great desserts.

  • Phil



    I'm glad to see them open again. The hurricane was rough on them. I will miss the old woodwork and brass rails. Nicely remodeled. Great staff as usual. Nice selection of beer on tap. Food was very good.

  • en

    Kristin Fisher


    Newly refurbished after Hurricane Irma. It looks lovely!!! We sat at the bar and ate a late dinner while having a couple of beers. There were two bartenders, one male, one female. They were BOTH absolutely delightful!!! A true joy to be waited on by both of them. Very friendly....we chit chatted with both of them, laughing and having a genuinely fun time. They were both very knowledgeable....I had never tried the Boursin Spread with the Jumbo German Pretzel. The bartenders both recommended it and WOW!!!...I really really liked it!! Can't wait to go back to this San Marco location VERY SOON!!! A++

  • Harry Canary

    Harry Canary


    Very nice to see it back open again after Irma. If you are a past visitor, a few things have changed in terms of decor. New paint in yellow and purple. Gone are the hanging baskets, floor is new, walls are new and sadly the old bar had to be replaced. Bathrooms too got a nice makeover. Food, staff and atmosphere are as good as they've ever been. Live trivia is on Thursdays at 7pm so keep that in mind. Trivia presentation is slow and poorly done, but since it can add to crowd, pick your night's accordingly.

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