Europan Bakery Cafe w Fort Lee

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropan Bakery Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2024, Center Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-461-3371
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8526853, Longitude: -73.9714782

komentarze 5

  • en

    L Lisa


    Love this place sooooooo much!!!!!! The cakes there are really good! A place to study, chat or even date~

  • en

    Zhangxin Pan


    Well of the service! The lady is so nice, because she is always smell, and let me feel she is unaffectedly welcome me. The drink is good and consistent with my taste.

  • en

    Jongkuk Lim


    house daily roasting fresh coffee and all house made pastries and cookies, cakes lots of choices

  • Alex Chen

    Alex Chen


    I have kept going this cafe for 4 years, the lady is so nice that she will reject my tip because I'm a student and sometimes gift me cakes and cookies, her latte is the best latte I have ever had. BUT, TURN AND LEAVE IF YOU SEE A MIDDLE AGED MAN STANDS IN THE FRONT! He is the reason that this cafe has 2.9 rating. One day I ordered a pumpkin spice latte to go. When I get home I find out that is a cup of PUMPKIN SPICE---no coffee😂😂 I couldn't even blame him....Too funny 😂

  • Kristian Koprivica

    Kristian Koprivica


    There are two managers/administrators working there at different times; one of them is a woman and the other, a man. If the woman is there, I'd absolutely recommend staying. She'll ensure a pleasant and enjoyable experience. However, if the man is there, I'd advise you to walk right out the door and find another cafe. I'm not sure if he is the owner, but his customer service is absolutely terrible. He has a complete lack of understanding of proper business administration and the way he treats PAYING customers is inexcusable. I will not be returning until he is fired. However, I must complement the woman on her hospitality. Having the male worker stay would be a huge disservice to what is otherwise a very good cafe.

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