Europa Nails w Cedar Grove

Stany ZjednoczoneEuropa Nails


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577, Pompton Avenue, 07009, Cedar Grove, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-239-2224
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8529744, Longitude: -74.2293654

komentarze 5

  • en

    Maggie Stroh


    Clean, beautiful job to my nails that were damaged by another place I went to. Thank you!

  • en

    Miyeon Cornell


    Absolutely awesome. I go an extra mile for this place. this is my go to salon for mani/pedi. The staff is experienced and very friendly. Also appreciate how clean and classy the place is, which I think is a key in such a delicate business. Will go back to try out all their services and will recommend others.

  • en

    Eunyoung Yang


    I have been to many nail salons and I never ended up leaving happier than I did after I got my nails done here! My nails look absolutely gorgeous and natural. Everyone who works here is very friendly and professional. I'm very satisfied with the service and quality. Europa Nails is a great place to get your nails done!!

  • minji kwon

    minji kwon


    Excellent place to get your nails done!! The manicures are unbelievably amazing. My nails look awesome whenever I get my nails done. The staff is very friendly and always makes me feel relaxed. They always do a solid job! I've never left there unhappy. The service is always great and I never feel like they are rushing to the next customer. I HIGHLY recommend to anyone who are looking for a great place!!

  • Danielle S.

    Danielle S.


    I have been coming to this establishment for several years. In the past, the employees had provided a very positive experience, both in terms of the quality of service, and overall friendliness/atmosphere. Over the past year, however, I have noticed a shift in terms of the attitudes of the staff members (even the owner). They assume that because they are speaking in another language that patrons cannot understand when derogatory comments are being made. Unfortunately, the issue of mockery and disrespect has become so extreme as of late, that I will no longer be frequenting this establishment for services. In particular, there are two new workers who seem to treat me as if I am there for their amusement, which is particularly puzzling to me because these two ladies do not exactly present themselves in any kind of trendy/attractive way. It seems outrageous to me that staff members who seem to spend very little time on their own appearance should feel the need to criticize every aspect of someone else. I needed my eyebrows waxed the other day, and the owner actually made a very rude comment about me that caused all the other staff members to laugh at my expense. The terrible behavior does not really seem to have a rationale, other than the fact that these women seem to enjoy mocking their customers. I hardly ever write reviews, but felt that the treatment I received at this "spa" was so poor, it should be shared with the community. You should find a different place to get your mani/pedi - word to the wise.

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