Ervan Chew Park w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneErvan Chew Park


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4502, Dunlavy Street, 77006, Houston, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 832-395-7000
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 29.7320707, Longitude: -95.4027855

komentarze 5

  • Josh Goldberg

    Josh Goldberg


    Decent dog park here that's enclosed with a gated fence. Most people who are here with their dog's are pretty respectful and all of the dogs playing seem to get along just fine. There are quite a few benches and seats scattered around to relax while your canine makes new friends and runs around. Dog 💩 bags are sometimes there and sometimes not.

  • Ernesto Santos

    Ernesto Santos


    Excelente lugar

  • en

    Sarah Marie Chapin


    Cool little doggy park. Not as large as most in Houston and surrounding areas however. It is all small pebbles,no grass. Which I actually prefer,as grassy dog parks harbor poo and get muddy. They have a human water fountain as well as a water source for dogs.Several benches to sit down on whilst watching your furry friends run about.The park proper has a baseball diamond.Theres a small water feature (splash pad) for kids and adults to cool down in during Summer months. The children's playground is cool and well maintained.

  • Charlie



    Very cute, rectangular, pea gravel, fenced park with well-behaved dogs. Kids playground right outside gate with lots of dogs on leash and moms pushing strollers with nannies. My dog has too much energy for this park since he is still in beginning stages of training so I will return when he is a little older. Not a park for a young, eager dog that wants to run fast and play chase with equally energetic dogs. More of a park to take your well mannered, obedient dog to play fetch and master his obedience. It is a Starbucks and fluffy Giant Poodle or Smart Water and beautifully trained Vizla type of park, all of which I love. Just wasn't right energy level for this stage of my dogs training so we didn't go in.

  • en

    Scott Wells


    Nice park. Nice crowd. Small which works out great because you never lose sight of your animal. Nice area would be nice if somebody could please fix or turn on the drinking water so my dog doesn't drink out of the mud puddle that forms there after raining.

najbliższy Park

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