EPIC Hybrid Training - Westchester w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneEPIC Hybrid Training - Westchester



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298, Tarrytown Road, 10607, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-285-9090
strona internetowej: epicwestchester.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0420494, Longitude: -73.7941253

komentarze 5

  • Barbara Ryan

    Barbara Ryan


    Coming into the facility on the first day, I felt like home. The place is clean, the trainers are top notch. This place challenges me and in the 5 weeks since starting I have lost 15 pounds and I can see abs. I can’t wait too see what I look like in 3 months of being here and so on. The workouts are hard and fun all in one. There are levels so you can always go to where you feel comfortable. Epic is good for all levels. The coaches watch the entire time and keep an eye on your form. I look forward to going to class everyday!!!

  • Hari PC

    Hari PC


    This place is absolutely epic. Alright I won't use that pun anymore, but seriously an absolutely amazing place to do some strength training. I'd love to come every single day if I could, and it wouldn't be terribly difficult due to their fairly wide range of times every day, but my schedule is incredibly inflexible which makes it difficult. However, as I said, if I could come every day I would, because no matter your strength, you will be challenged. You can make things as tough or as easy as you like (but mind you, easy isn't really.. well, easy). My man Pete the owner is one of the nicest guys I've ever met and he's going to make sure to push you hard enough to make sure you'll get gains, but also make sure that you learn the technique and aren't overexerting yourself or putting yourself in a position that might hurt you. Pete isn't the only trainer here, though, and I can tell you every single trainer here (Wendy, Vince) is friendly, caring, will assure your technique is perfect, and will push you to reach higher milestones every time you go. A lot of the workouts here are calisthenics, meaning they use your own body weight, but at the same time a lot of them use weights as well. The best way to have a well rounded body is by having a combination of calisthenics and weight training, and Epic is an example of that. Finally, I gotta say that it's so much fun to exercise here. You'll see yourself getting stronger every time as you're able to lift bigger weights and do more reps every week, and the more you come, the more you see this. The community is awesome and I know I've said it like 3 times already but I'd come here every single day if I could. If you live nearby, definitely come check this place out, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. (Once you get through those first few days of being insanely sore, that is :))

  • en

    Iris R


    EPIC is a great gym that allows you to challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. Prior to having 2 kids within the last 4 years, I worked out 5-7 days a week (for about 10 years) and then did NOTHING for 3 years. When a friend kept telling me about EPIC, I was ready to get back into working out. And wow, what a work out I am getting!! I LOVE it and have never challenged myself the way that the program and instructors do. I have not worked with all the trainers at EPIC, but I can tell you that Vince does an incredible job of motivating you and pushing you to challenge yourself. And both Vince and Sheryl watch every move that you make and help you to perfect each exercise. I LOVE it and think anyone interested in working hard and challenging themselves should give it a try!

  • Wendy H

    Wendy H


    I have found a home at Epic! Pete and his staff our fabulously talented athletes. It's all about functional training, and that's exactly what I was looking for. I have had a hip issue which I am overcoming because of their program design. I like the schedule, I like the location and I especially like the results. I consider my monthly membership for unlimited classes an investment into my health. These are truly good people, who are excellent instructors with high expectations. Epic is the total package.

  • en

    Jean Mahig


    Perfect in so many ways. Affordable, friendly, clean and as close to personal training you can get. Incredible bang for your buck! The trainers are “the best” - classes are never more than sixteen in a class which allows for a wonderful and personal work out experience. Every day is a new work out and challenge!! Never boring!

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