Endodontic Associates Limited Edina i Edina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEndodontic Associates Limited Edina



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7373, France Avenue South, 55435, Edina, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 952-832-0404
internet side: www.ealmn.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8690425, Longitude: -93.3274806

kommentar 5

  • Miki Stone

    Miki Stone


    It is odd to say I enjoyed getting a root canal but they made it as pleasant as possible. After waiting weeks to even get replies from other endodontics to schedule (while tooth got worse), Endodontics Associates Limited was able to get me scheduled within a week. The front desk team was very friendly and helpful. Dr. Zhong explained everything and made sure I was as comfortable as could be. They explained all charges upfront and made sure I understood. I also appreciate that their specialty is root canals. They worked hand in hand with my dentist and didn’t try to push any other services. While I hope my friends won’t need a root canal, I will definitely recommend EAL when it’s needed.

  • Mark Beltz

    Mark Beltz


    It was my first root canal. I thought Dr. Ryan and his assistant Debbie did a great job. Everyone at the office was nice and cheerful. The procedure was explained well before, during and after. No pain at all. I can't wait for my next one there!

  • Lisa Henkemeyer

    Lisa Henkemeyer


    No one looks forward to a root canal. However, I had a great experience overall at EAL. The receptionist was extremely helpful and friendly throughout the entire process. Dr. Dulac was amazing. He was very kind and considerate, and explained every step throughout the process. Obviously an expert in his field. My tooth has healed very quickly and almost back to normal within several days. I highly recommend this clinic and Dr. Dulac. I have already been sharing my positive experience there w friends and coworkers. Thank you EAL!!!

  • Karen Matzka

    Karen Matzka


    The dentist, & assistant explained everything in detail, & were very patient with my problem, with taking x-rays.I woukd definitely recommend EAL, to anyone who needs a root canal. I was very pleased.

  • Mary Solheim

    Mary Solheim


    I’m SO glad I found Endodontic Associates! This is an extremely efficient organization with top level dental skill! If you are in need of oral surgical services, I would choose this office above all others! The environment is friendly and welcoming. Every question was addressed and my recovery time was minimal with no pain. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience!!

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