Empire Movers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEmpire Movers



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808, East 139th Street, 10451, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-365-8367
strona internetowej: www.goempiremovers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.80428, Longitude: -73.909513

komentarze 5

  • Lesya Trepachko

    Lesya Trepachko


    I used Empire Movers to help me with my recent relocation to a new apaprtment. They were very professional, the process was very quick, smooth and easy and the most important they were very effordable. I had to move three times in the last two years and by far these guys were the best. I'm definitely saving their number in case I had to move again or to recommend them to my friends.

  • en

    Brian kevorkian


    Worst movers ever. I used them to move from NYC to Boston and during the move they damaged my bike worth over $2000 and 2 chairs worth $400 each. When I called and complained about the damage I was sent on a goose chase to get help and was eventually offered $0.60 per pound for the damaged items. On a bike like I have that totaled $12, an insult. I should have know this was a shady and bad company when Florin the president of the company offered to scam my new job by over charging my new company on the move so I could pocket the extra money. This should have been a red flag as to how bad this company was but there price was the best, their poor work showed in the price. I should have go with the other more expensive company!!! I will NEVER use this company for anything ever again.

  • Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services

    Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services


    Absolutely fantastic! The movers were friendly and incredibly hard working. They were so careful and kind. would use them again and recommend to anyone looking. The best part was the flat rate they charged so I wasn't constantly looking at the clock.

  • en

    Robert Shapiro


    We used Empire Movers to move out of the Empire State Building to 14 Penn Plaza. These guys were great. They did everything they said they were going to do. They were thorough, efficient, careful and very nice. They did not break anything and put everything where it belongs in the new office. The guys were very professional and courteous. I would recommend these guys to anyone and I would certainly use them again.

  • Inga Jukneviciute

    Inga Jukneviciute


    What a great experience! I never thought we will move our gigantic commercial copier from our office so easily and so smoothly. From the first phone call to the Empire Movers, I was sure that there will be no problems. The guys arrived perfectly on time and successfully delivered our copier to the warehouse. Definitely recommend it and I am sure we will use Empire Movers Services again.

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