Emergency Dental Care USA w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneEmergency Dental Care USA



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3801, Fairfax Drive, 22203, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-988-7278
strona internetowej: www.emergencydental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8833473, Longitude: -77.1050561

komentarze 5

  • Christina V

    Christina V


    I had an impacted wisdom tooth that was causing me excruciating pain on a Sunday. There were no dental places open in my area, and Emergency Dental Care USA is a two-hour drive from where I live. Even so, they were able to get me in for a 7pm appointment for the same day. It was definitely worth the drive to get it taken care of. Everything was quick, easy, and painless, and I would definitely recommend for an emergency extraction. I’m so glad I was finally able to get some relief along with some good sleep on Sunday night. I was able to make it in to work bright and early on Monday morning without issue, and the best part is I didn’t have to interrupt my weekday work schedule.

  • Martha Baxtresser

    Martha Baxtresser


    Had to make a Saturday evening visit for a problem with an implant. I was able to get an appointment promptly at what appeared to be one of the very few true “emergency” dentists. It turned out that the healing cap had come unscrewed, a minor problem but unfortunately they didn’t have the tool needed to put it back in. But they were able to reassure me that the problem wasn’t serious and that the implant would be fine until I could see my dentist. Very grateful they were available when I needed help.

  • Michael Stephen

    Michael Stephen


    Received a root canal done here. Most unprofessional team working. Front desk was blasting game of thrones and then proceeded to come into the room as I’m getting the root canal done and starting talking about the show overtop of me and then making fun of the office manager for mis-spelling words on a sign hanging on the wall. (While I’m laying there with my mouth open)…, To make matters worse the doctor had no clue how many canals were in my tooth and was very verbal with other tech during my procedure that he didn’t know. He was also joking about how badly dull the tools were and had to continually switch tools to get sharper one. This made me feel very uncomfortable that he didn’t know what he was doing…. And I right because HE MISSED A CANAL. I was in horrible pain for about two weeks and had no clue what was wrong. I went to another dentist And that’s when they simply took an x ray and told me the dentist missed a canal. Before I went to the other dentist I even went back to Arlington dental and told them what was happening and how much pain I was in he still didn’t find out what he had done.. All he needed to do was simply take an X-ray to double check his work to see that he missed it…. I paid full cash price for this procedure and porcelain crown. I requested a consultation with office manager not once, twice, but THREE times and they have ignored all emails. Why in the world would someone pay 2k for a expensive crown that they had to then drill a hole into and fill with filling WHEN THEY ARE THE ONES WHO MESSED UP AND ADMITTED TO IT. This office is so unprofessional!!

  • candice james

    candice james


    I took my son here for services due to his dental clinic not having any appointments. We had a set appointment but seems like it’s more 1st come 1st serve. The staff and doctor were all very friendly. They do accept insurance but are out of network for some so a copay was needed. I am pleased overall with my experience. My son mouth is feeling much better. We go back again for a follow up. Will update if anything changes. So yes I would recommend this dentist.

  • Ludwing Rivera

    Ludwing Rivera


    I have gotten different treatments done on my teeth through out my life and I have family members on the field so I’m aware of how dental work works… I had a root canal done which was very pricey, I had root canals done before and this time my tooth hurts worst than before I came in, my face feels a bit numb and the tooth is extremely sensitive and painful, I was prescribed not one thing! The dentist that did the procedure stated that if I was in pain or the filling come out I could come any time free of charge to get it re filled and checked… I came in and I was told he shouldn’t have said that then I wasted an hour to be taken back the dentist see me and does not one thing! And tells me to take antibiotics which I was already taking, and ibuprofen which I was already taking he refused to help me I asked for imaging to be done to determine if the root canal was successful or failed which he lied and said that wasn’t possible… he sent a prescription of the same stuff I’m already taking and told me he wasn’t gonna do nothing else. Very disappointed due to the fact I almost spend 1000$ on this to be free from pain and yet I’m in worst pain! I’ll be filling a report with my creditor I won’t be paying for a procedure that wasn’t done correctly and I will have to go to another dentist tomorrow! Tooth removal can go from 495$ and up Nerve removal 750$ and more Plus 95$ to get X-ray done X-ray per each side of the mouth. I would be ok with the prices for the emergency access and hours of operation But the 3 providers I have encounter in this facility have not been very professional when it comes to doing procedures.. So AVOID! this place if there are any other locations that would take you as a walk in this should be your last option

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