Emerald City Emergency Clinic i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEmerald City Emergency Clinic



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4102, Stone Way North, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-634-9000
internet side: emeraldcity24hrvet.com
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Latitude: 47.656998, Longitude: -122.342094

kommentar 5

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    erica barbosa


    Very disappointed. We took our corgi there at one night because we noticed her right foot was swollen, and when the vet came back with my corgi, he claimed there was nothing wrong, it turned out he checked the wrong paw...then when I told him it was the right foot, he just took a look very casually and told us it looks to him the wound was caused by chewing on the foot, nothing major.. and we got two medication and a $150 bill. Two days later, no sign of getting better so we went to check with our vet, and the vet immediately found two thorns and pulled them out!!!!!!!!!! As an emergency pet hospital, shame on you. Because of your negligence, my corgi suffered two more days with the thorns in her paw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Easton Luke


    It took a while to be seen once I was there but they were very thorough when examining my dog so it made sense. The staff were all nice and knowledgable and Dr. Felten was great.

  • Weston Manzer

    Weston Manzer


    Went there at 5 am and had quick service. Sorted the issue. Would go back if I needed to.

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    Melissa Narro


    When I rushed my dog in after her sudden collapse, I was an emotional wreck! The vet tech took her back immediately and gave me frequent updates with her condition. When the vet completed the exam, she came out to debrief us with the utmost respect to my overactive emotions. She was kind and thorough, and thankfully only had goid news to report! The techs were so helpful in my dog's transport and made the terrifying experience a little more manageable.

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    Joseph DePaulis


    A few months ago my cat had a blockage in his urinary tract. We brought him to Emerald city and they took him in for an exam. After giving us an initial quote on an invoice of 600 dollars, they said he’d be ready to go by the next morning. Apparently the lead vet and owner of the practice couldn’t place a catheter in my cat so told me he’d need a PU surgery, quoting me at 1500 dollars, and another day in the hospital. For whatever reason, this never happened, and after a weeks stay in the hospital my cat was sent home with no surgery, and a warning that he would most likely block again, which he did. Our final invoice ran over 4000 dollars, which NEVER EVEN INCLUDED THE SURGERY. I called the hospital twice a day asking for updates on his status and almost every time I called was given a different answer. After his discharge, I assumed they were professionals looking out for my cats best interest. However, after following up with my vet, and several others around the Seattle area, they were appalled when hearing about the clinics handling of my animal. Emerald city drained me of finances that should have gone to giving my animal the surgery he needed. Instead he was sent home with a temporary fix. The only redeeming quality of the clinic was the supporting staff, who were kind respectful. I will never take any animal back to this facility.

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