Elysium Aesthetics and Vein Care: David Singh, MD w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneElysium Aesthetics and Vein Care: David Singh, MD



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Sears Drive, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-228-9580
strona internetowej: www.elysiumveincare.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.954161, Longitude: -74.071884

komentarze 5

  • en

    Natalie Arnold


    Jennifer did my lashes. They are GORGEOUS! She was super accommodating. I booked my appointment last minute and she came in before hours just to do my lashes. I wish I could post a picture bf they are just THAT nice! She has so much patience and attention to detail. I didn’t use the Groupon because I know they take a big chunk from the business but they were really good and honored the price at the office. The place is really clean and everyone is super friendly. I will definitely be going back to see Jennifer for my refills and will probably get hooked on a bunch of their other services!

  • en

    Angela Kiefer


    My first time here. Ally S. did my microblading... she was patient, listened to my concerns, gave me detailed after care instructions and most of all did a fantastic job on my brows. I walked in with a few hairs... and walked out with full, beautiful brows... and I'm not a young lady. I overplucked when I was younger and they never grew back. It got worse as I got older... till I had to draw them on every day... and they looked fake.. and uneven. Thank you Ally! I cannot wait for my touch up appointment! I feel whole again!

  • en

    Neda Khalil


    Ally did my microblading, it was my first time so I was extremely nervous. I was 100% satisfied with the results; she answered my million questions and walked me through every step of the way. Everyone at the office is extremely professional and friendly. I would recommend this location and will be back!

  • Ryan Vassallo

    Ryan Vassallo


    Been there several times for laser hair removal. So far so good. Decent staff, decent service. Nothing to complained about but also nothing g to race about. They did their services accurately thus far. Still not done with my laser treatment 100%. But as I said, so far so good. Also, they don't take checks.

  • en

    Annie Smiles


    I came here to get my eyebrows done last week and was kindly greeted by Ally for the work. She’s very professional and took her time drawing the brows before starting the procedures just to be sure that the customer’s desires on the shape and size is met. Then, the numbing cream is applied onto the brows so I won’t feel much pain. If I do, she pauses and adds more numbing to it. Overall and one week later, I love my brows. I will come back for touch ups. Thanks Ally.

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