Elite Fitness Studio w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Fitness Studio



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111, Union Street, 11231, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-596-0006
strona internetowej: elitetrainingandfitness.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.684711, Longitude: -74.003391

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jackie Pellicano


    Amazing experience every time!! David is awesome and always takes time to teach you something new. All the classes are great and leave you wanting more! Recommended to anyone near or far!

  • Aaron Ethan Green

    Aaron Ethan Green


    An all-around great gym. Has two floors, is clean, and everyone is really friendly. Shannon's yoga classes are top notch. The owner, David, is really kind and a great personal trainer. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Scary D


    What a wonderful place to workout. Super clean, I think the owner is a clean freak. Very high quality classes & instructors. The class schedule is well rounded but if your looking for a very specifc type of class everyday maybe one of those places that teaches just spin or just boxing would be better for you. I have been a member for about 18 months and have seen a major upgrade in the equipment and they have also done a pretty major upgrade of the studio itself. It doesn't have the feeling that your working out at your apartment like the other gym in the area. This gym flows nicely on two levels and seems to have a large personal training component. I always see members getting trained on the weight room floor and on the Pilates machines. I live on Smith St and have know issue walking past my old gym to get to this one, its well worth the 3 blocks or so.

  • en

    Marie Albano


    Elite Fitness Studio is by far the best gym/fitness studio I have ever been a member of. Two floors of everything you could ever need. The class schedule is big for a studio & the teachers are top level for the most part. Great for families as well, lots of kids options. I like the rowing classes with Linda & the TRX classes with Delfina. They also have yoga & pilates classes that I hear are really good, the members are always saying how great Shannon & Flo are. 

  • John Reeves

    John Reeves


    This is a great gym. I never have to wait for equipment, the staff is friendly, and the facilities are clean. The gym like looks small from the street, but the basement is huge.

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