Elite Electrolysis i Fair Lawn

Forenede StaterElite Electrolysis



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4-14, Saddle River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-475-2228
internet side: www.eliteelectrolysisnj.com
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Latitude: 40.9333216, Longitude: -74.0967905

kommentar 5

  • Polina



    Valentyna is very professional. She gets the job done with great results. I would highly recommend her for your electrolysis needs.

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    Jacqueline Farnese


    I have been going here for the past couple years for electrolysis and if I could give it 100 stars I would! All of the unwanted hair I had and struggled with for years is gone. Going from having to shave, tweeze, or wax every other day to never having to do anything again is worth every penny. Marina and her staff are extremely professional and make you feel really comfortable- I would highly recommend this facility and I would be happy to be a contact point if you would like a reference. Thanks Marina! xx

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    Elena M


    I am consistently blown away by the professionalism and care that is shown by the entire staff at Elite Electrolysis. I saw a difference after one treatment and continue to see amazing results! If you're looking for a one stop shop for all of your skincare needs, this is the place to go!

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    elena libo


    From my prior experience with other electrologists, i can proudly say: "My Elite Electrolysis" the best place for the services i needed. The owner of the salon (Marina) not only the best specialist in her field, but also a very sensitive and kind person. She cares about her customers and trying to accommodate everyone the best way she can. All other specialists are also very nice, pleasant and excellent experts in each field. Salon and equipment are up to date and very modern and clean. I received a 100 % satisfaction every time i come to get any services. Thank you very much girls for everything you do.

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    Helen Grant


    Couldn't be happier. I cannot say enough about Electrolysis or Marina and her staff. I've tried all sorts of methods for hair removal and the only thing I've been completely satisfied with is Electrolysis. With Electrolysis, the hairs removed don't grow back. I look better and feel better and am now having other areas worked on. The staff is wonderful. They all very professional and always makes me feel comfortable.They are always on time,so you never have to wait. Marina is great at what she does and what she does really works. If you've been stressing at all about unwanted hair just go to them for a consultation. Honestly, you won't regret it and you'll be so happy with the results. It's been really great to not have to be embarrassed or worry about constantly shaving, tweezing or waxing. The peace of mind alone is worth it!

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