Elite Automotive Repair w Manhasset

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Automotive Repair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

43, Manhasset Avenue, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-365-3530
strona internetowej: eliteautoandbody.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7956205, Longitude: -73.7006515

komentarze 5

  • en

    Justine Ciotoli


    I had a last minute problem with my Mercedes ...Diana said no problem , come in...they fixed it fast !! Great place , Great prices , Great family owned business !! just what Manhasset needs !

  • Stephanie Henschel

    Stephanie Henschel


    Our household had been going to Maple Place for years so when they sold to the current owners we decided to stick with them. I couldn’t be happier! Everyone is friendly, they’re straight forward and the work and recommendations regarding repairs are honest. Would certainly recommend!

  • en

    Patrick Chan


    David was great to work with and the shop has a comfortable couch you can sit while you wait for quick fixes. The shop is also located right by the lirr station. There is also a park and quite a few restaurants nearby to eat at.

  • en

    Nancy Brennan


    David and Diana are the nicest people to do business with. Not too long ago I was having trouble with my Mercedes "check engine light" and could not get my NYS inspection done. This notification light issue has been going on for over 3 years with no discovery of an actual problem given. I previously went through the diagnostic expenses, including at the Mercedes dealer . Having the light go on means it has to be reset and that complicates my getting inspections. Awhile ago, I had been a customer of Maple Place Garage for many years under John's ownership, and David had recently bought the business. Although he didn't know me, he went out of his way to give me excellent service as though I had been a customer of his. After the reset I had to keep driving the car on long straight runs and got it checked by David multiple times until finally after for over 100 miles (also advised by Mercedes) he was able to do the inspection. Whenever I showed up at his shop, David always stopped what he was doing to take a computer reading of my car. He did not charge me for anything other than the usual NYS inspection fee. This is what customer service is all about in building relationships.

  • en

    Bonita Fok


    The services here truly goes hand in hand with its name. David, the owner, is exceptionally accommodating and professional. Body work done is superb. I would absolutely recommend this place.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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